
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Music, or what we refer to as 'worship' in churches

Christian music used to have many genres; from adult contemporary, to rock, to R&B, it used to have as many as mainstream music. Now, 'worship' dominates the Christian music industry.

Do I have a problem with the music, no, not at all. What I do have a problem with is calling it 'worship music', or in our churches calling it 'worship' because if we call it solely that then we miss the complete definition of what worship is: a life completely and solely dedicated to following Jesus Christ; a person devoting everything about their self to God. Singing songs of praise is just a part of worship.

What I am struggling with more and more of late is not the people putting out music that can be sung corporately in a church, but making a living on videos of others worshipping and putting out album after album.

Am I saying that putting videos together of others worshipping is a bad thing? No. For some it encourages them in their journey with Christ; it helps them.

I guess i just feel uncomfortable with people making money on videos and on 'worship' music.

A friend of mine was telling me of the congregation that he goes to and that they don't sing any of the mainstream 'worship' songs that are available to sing legally at a price (check out CCLI for more information). Instead, the congregation writes their own songs and sings them. He said that some of the songs aren't the best, but for some reason it just feels right.

Is there something wrong with what we have coined as 'worship'? I just know it's bigger than songs, videos, bands, and music.

To make money off of 'worship' just doesn't sit well with me.

This is what's on my mind.

Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting thoughts, I haven't really thought about it this way before. Thanks for helping me to see things from a different perspective and providing the suggestions!
