
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sin:Death, Death:Life

I always seem to be drawn to creation. I don't know what it is, or how it happens, but it does. Maybe it's because I always wonder what things would have been like if Adam and Eve had obeyed God in the beginning; what would things be like if that were the case? How would we treat each other and the rest of creation?

I love the account of creation. Things were perfect; nothing was wrong; everything was good, really good. God looked at everything He had created and was finished; there was nothing left to create.

From that time until now we have been given so many things from God and each time we disobey we say to God, 'You are not enough'. What a sad statement, but a true one. All of sin can be summed up in that statement: 'You are not enough'. Why is God not enough? Why aren't we satisfied with what God has given and continues to give us? Why do we always want more of something else thinking there will be life in it?

The reason is actually found in the beginning. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, that sin brought death to humanity. So in everything else other than God death will be the only thing found. Every time we disobey God and go against His great design we are choosing death.

Throughout history God gave his laws, prophets, and silence to direct us toward obedience to Him, but every time we choose the opposite, death. We choose this because our natural direction is towards this. One small example of this is one of the first words children learn when they are beginning to speak, 'no'. I mean sometimes it is really good to say no, but the natural tendency is to say no to obedience. We are naturally trending towards disobedience instead of obedience to God. But, let's remember the original design and creation: God created us in such a way, it was perfect. Our natural trend was not towards disobedience, but actually obedience. Adam and Eve chose disobedience and from then on disobedience has been our trend; death has been our trend.


Enter Jesus. The astounding part of Jesus is of course his victory over death, but also the life He lived. See, from the beginning of creation till the time of Jesus there had never been a person to fully obey God in every way; not a single person had ever been perfect, not even close to it. When Jesus came along He transformed everyone's concept because He was like no one to ever come: Everyone's trend was towards death and disobedience, but Jesus' trend was and is towards life and obedience. In fact, he is life and obedience. He is perfection; He is everything Adam was created to be; He is everything you and I were created to be.

For those who don't know we are in the midst of Holy Week. A week to remember Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the events leading up to the crucifixion, and the crucifixion on Friday. The only thing is we remember Easter not just because Christ died, but because He has  risen! He defeated death and has brought us new life.

It is truly amazing: Adam:Death, Death:Life. Adam's sin brought death to humanity because of disobedience, but Jesus' death brought life because of His perfect obedience (See Romans 5:12-21).

Christ's Death:Life

Are we choosing life:Jesus:Obedience?
Are we choosing death:Adam:Disobedience?

Do we demonstrate we have new life through Jesus?

Does this new life impact our decisions? Where we live? What we eat? What we say? What we buy? How we treat others? How we treat ourselves?

Are we choosing life, or are we choosing to death?

These are tough honest questions to go through because they will reveal what we are actually living for.

What will you choose Adam:Death or Christ's Death:Life?

Thoughts are always welcomed.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your question as to how this new life affects our life and our choices. Thanks for getting me thinking about this. PTodd preached a sermon years ago about this and "responsible" shopping, eating, exercising, in fact all our hobbies and habits. Your question brought this to mind. Thanks.
