
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Journey Begins

One of the greatest things we can do is journey with others as we pursue a more intimate relationship with Christ.  A great perk of being a Student Ministry Pastor is being able to journey with students as a vocation.

This year as a student ministry we are going to intentionally do this year together.  We are going to go through the joys together, through the pain together; we will laugh and cry together; we will challenge each other; we will grow together.  So here we go...

The month we are engaging in the topic of Grace.  What does grace actually mean?  Does it mean what we think it means?  In researching and studying the topic of Grace I came face to face with the late great Dietrich Boenhoeffer.  He had a lot to say about grace and categorized the topic of grace in to two different things - cheap grace, and costly grace.  The cheap grace we get and it is the grace most of us operate within.  But, costly grace takes lost of work, lots of humility, and lots of change.

Cheap grace is the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour; we punch our ticket to Heaven, thank God, and keep living the way we always have.  Some may say that is not true acceptance, but nonetheless, it is cheap grace. Costly grace is something different.  It is yes acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, but it changes us.  When we truly accept the grace Jesus Christ has given us we can't help BUT change.  This change costs something.  Maybe it is our pride, or reputation; maybe it is our family; maybe it is those we thought were our closest friends.  At the end of the day True Grace costs something.

So, here we are, embarking on a journey of True Grace or as Boenhoeffer says, Costly Grace.

How are we accepting grace in our lives?  Are we saying on a regular basis, "I need God" or are we simply living as if we have it together?

The journey begins.  Let's be open and honest with our lives more than ever before.  Unless we are honest with our lives, there is no room for change.

Let me know your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. There is a new song I've listened to a couple of times. The lyric is wonderful. It goes through many stages of life and claims that God's great grace is there for us at each and every turn. It's so true!! We don't tap into the unending grace of God enough. I want to be an open book, with my hands and arms open in full surrender to God always and forever. I need God and I'll admit it <3
